Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The scupper drain blue's

Paul and I have been working on Kabuki's scupper drains. We are removing the existing bronze pipe fitting, and sealing the scupper hole with a fibreglass tube that Paul is epoxying in. We are going to put the old bronze scupper pipes back in the holes as we like the look of them.
Paul feels that doing this will add structural integrity to the two walls of the fibreglass bulwarks ( sounds like I know what I am talking about eh!)
So these are some photo's of the scuppers, the left one Paul has already added the fibreglass tube inside and epoxied it in. The right one is what we were faced with when we removed the bronze pipes. It is hard to see, but Westsails have two walls of fibreglass on the bulwarks. Below is a photo of the starboard side of the boat. These scuppers were easier to remove and not as messy.

Posted by PicasaAnyway things are going slowly because we are back at work again, but the weekend is coming and hopefully it will be fine weather so we can get some more work done.
Catch Ya

1 comment:

  1. I think you should submit this blog to the already have done all the web 2.o stuff. I hope the WE is fine for you.
