I have been very fortunate to have today off work. So I spent part of the morning doing the Mum thing with my lovely Son Xavier, then we went down to the Norsand yard to do some work on Kabuki.
We are starting to go through all of the lockers on the boat and remove stuff that is not really required. Paul is having a hard time coming to grips with this concept, but after some gentle and not so gentle persuasion over the last couple of months, I think we have come to an understanding............. that Paul's way is right (where have I gone wrong). I am sure we will work this out as two sane, mature, reasonable adults........yeah right..... I wonder if it will come to a wrestling match? oh goody! How long do I have to hold him down?
Seriously, Kabuki was sailed from America a few years ago, and onboard is a lot of stuff that is not relevant for our situation or is old and American( 110v power). We have already pulled off about two boxes worth and that was only in the forward cabin. We will continue through the weekend with other projects, so we will definitely be kept out of trouble.
On the work front Sue the Childrens Librarian has planned an awesome school holiday programme for the end of the month. I will be running some sessions with the 5 - 8 year olds, and Sue will run sessions for the 9- 12 year olds. It is all about growing gardens. This is very appropriate for the tough times we are going through. It should be fun doing the programme, I really enjoy working with the younger children. The programme is based on a book written by Helen Cook called "Get Growing" it is a non-fiction book for children on how to grow their own garden.
Anyway that's all for now.
Hi di ho
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