Monday, October 19, 2009

Afloat at a Marina

things are going great. We moved Kabuki off our pile mooring and onto a Marina berth on Friday. It was a very smooth manouver. We used a rope tied from our rear pole over to the marina berth pole, and just pulled Kabuki over on the rope (the marina berth Well Paul and I have been living on the boat for 2 weeks now, and was directly behind Kabuki).

Over the weekend we had an open boat, and so lots of friends, family and work colleagues came and checked Kabuki over. Not many of them had ever been on board Kabuki, so it was nice for them to see what we are getting ourselves into. I must admit it was very nice showing Kabuki off to people, we are very proud of our boat. Kabuki's gelcoat looks a bit scruffy in places, but she looks good considering she is 35 years old.

So, I am on my last week at work, winding down, handing over. Making sure that I do not leave my job and leave things hanging for my fellow work colleagues. I must admit I will miss my job, it has been a great experience for the last 6 years, and has really expanded my talents and made me realise what talents I do have.

Paul still has one more week of work to go after me, poor bugger. I will have to find things to keep me occupied for that week. Mind you, I have to stock the boat up before we go, so that should keep me busy.
The photo above is Kabuki (as if you couldn't tell) on the marina, isn't she pretty!!!! Note the amazing sailcover and cockpit cover's, I made all of them except for the Dodger and the back flap cover (blow my own trumpet).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Wendy and Paul,
    She looks amazing! Would love to have been there for your open boat day. What does the solar panel on the side run?
    Cheers - Carleen & Steve
