Monday, May 24, 2010

About our elderly

Well being Un-employed is pretty cool, I think I could do this for awhile. I don't think Paul would be too impressed though, so I may have to actually go out and look for a job soon. I have applied for one job, but not alot of effort went into that.
On the subject of jobs/employment/remuneration for employment, isn't it a sad old world that a smart mouth Lawyer from Auckland gets paid $600 bucks an hour, and the carers for our elderly and children get paid between $13 and $18 and hour. What has happened to our society where we value profit above care. Are we the advanced culture where we institutionalise our young and elderly, or are the cultures that cherish there young and revere their elderly the advanced cultures.
Profound thoughts from the mind of a woman who has institutionalised her own mother and father, and feels very guilty about the whole thing.


  1. Whoa!! Profound and searching comments. I'd like to add a thought in the form of a question "what sort of culture puts more store in building multi storied prisons and shuts down schools?" Funny sort of caring culture we live in. As for institutionalizing our elders, they wouldn't go if they really didn't want to and what can you (a youngster) offer them that their contemporaries who remember the war, the great depression etc offer them in the form of reminiscences and a shared past? Hope that thought mitigates your guilt somewhat.

  2. Nice blog you have. I too feel the same way you do about our priorities but you do not mention those misgiving in North america or you'll be labeled a communist, or worse, a Chasing the all powerful dollar has got the world in financial straights as it is. Keep up the nice work....Allan
