Paul and I motored out of the Whangarei Town Basin on Monday morning with the outgoing tide, not a lot of wind so we motored all the way to Taurikura Bay. We anchored up and after lunch went to visit Paul's Dad and Step-Mum, by that time it had started raining and the wind was picking up. Tuesday was a no show, 25-40knots of winds and rain squalls meant a day on the boat. Wednesday morning we packed up and sailed for the Bay of Islands, the forecast was for 30knot Southwesterlies, but we never saw any. We were becalmed a couple of times, and it took 12 hours to cover 60 nautical miles. We arrived in the Bay of Islands at about 7.45pm and anchored up in Parekura Bay.
Today we sailed over to Dicks Bay in preparation for a Southeasterly gale and rain for the next few days. Bloody typical isn't it, as soon as you go on holiday the weather packs up on you. We don't really care, just as long as we are away on the boat.
So true. You really know how to pick the weather...not