Wednesday, August 31, 2011

RAK's randon acts of kindness

In the "Leader" (a local rag) they are talking about RAK's day coming up soon. I think it is a great idea, apparently it has been happening for the last 6yrs. On further reading I was surprised to find that the random acts of kindness they espouse tend to involve money. Some examples are, "buy someone a coffee", "gift baskets", "travel" etc.
Since when did a random act of kindness become a thing of monetary value, are we all so busy that we can no longer take the time to do RAK's, do we find it less time consuming to fork out some money instead.
To me a RAK is a gift of your time, your talent or your smile. When was the last time we stopped to help a "Little old Lady" across the street, that is an RAK. When did we last take time out to chat to a perfect stranger waiting in the same queue. When did we last go and share a special talent that we may have, with others who may enjoy that talent. When did we last smile at someone who looked like they were having a bad day. When did we last say hello, how are you, to someone and really mean it?
I myself will try to go into RAK day with an outward looking view. I will try not to be so wrapped up in my own world, and look out for any opportunity to do a non-monetary random Act of Kindness for someone out there......... so watch out any little old ladies.

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