Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mansion House visit

Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th Feb.

Paul and I motored over to Mansion House Bay in Fatima at about morning tea time, hoping to explore more of the Reserve area. We tested out some walking tracks that we had not tried on our last visit. One of these was the Miners track to the old copper mine, going via the foreshore at low tide. It was a lovely walk with great views over toward Mahurangi. On arrival we noticed that DOC is re-instating some of the Pumphouse sandstone walls to stop further erosion by the sea. The Pumphouse was built in about 1854 when the coppermine was re-opened and tunneling was extended to seaward.
My Great, Great Grandfather came over to New Zealand from Cornwall in 1846 with His family, to Manage the copper mine on Kawau Island (see article in Rodney times). I love going there and imagining what it was like way back then, how hard it must have been for them. It makes you realise how easy we have it today, with our showers and electricity, washing machines etc.
Paul managed to get some photo's of the mine shaft at the Pumphouse, as you can see above it is flooded with sea water, the copper on the wall was an amazing blue.
After walking back to the Mansion House we lunched on the front lawn in fine style, and then boarded Fatima for the motor back through the "wind against tide" chop. I arrived back with a wet butt but very happy. We then had a visit from Marc on Obelix, who needed a hand with a winch repair, so over we went, Paul and Marc fixed the winch while I chatted to Dotta (i hope I have spelt that correctly). We had a lovely visit with them, it is amazing the people you meet out here. The wind has picked up again today, Sunday, so we have spent a quiet day on the boat. We had a swim/bath this morning, it was a bit bloody cold in the 25knot wind but very refreshing. This afternoon Paul spent about a hour watching the Spirit of New Zealand come into anchor in Bon Accord Harbour. The wind still blows. Here is hoping tomorrow it will dissipate some, as we hope to head for Waiheke Island in the morning.

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