Sunday, September 27, 2009

1 week till move.........

Paul and I did not accomplish as much as we had hoped on Kabuki this weekend, Saturday was a bloody washout ( rained most of the day). Sunday was bloody beautiful so we did get some work done. We installed lazy jacks on the mainsail ( they make bringing the main sail down, easier). Paul painted some skin fittings to protect them from UV's. We installed some drawers in the head ( Toilet), Washed the spreaders on the mast, etc, etc.
We will move onto Kabuki on Saturday ( all going to plan) I am working on the Library Bus until 1pm, but we do not have a great deal to move really. It is more the packing up of our stuff in the house. Unfortunately Kabuki will still be on the hardstand when we move on, but hopefully it will not be for long.

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