Thursday, October 1, 2009

School Holiday programme

Well the first week of the school holiday programme ( well my part of it) is over, and it went really well. I have two sessions, one on Wednesday of 1 hour and I on Thursday for an hour. We do some dancing and stuff, read a story play around. And then we get down to making a craft, Wednesday we made flowers out of different paper etc. Today we made scarecrows out of tubes and icecream sticks. It is really fun working with the kids, they are aged between 3 and 9 years and they all are great.
Sue the Childrens Librarian is a wonder, she comes up with the ideas for the programmes. And then pulls is al together. Today she worked with older children (9 years and over) and made big scarecrows on wooden frames, they looked fabulous. Tomorrow they will be doing collage, but that will only be for the older kids.
We move on to Kabuki on Saturday, I have been busy packing up stuff and cleaning the house for the boys. I can be a bit of a neat freak, and I can't stand the idea of leaving a dirty house for them to take over. This is even though I know that 5 minutes after I leave it will be a BATCHELOR PAD. I will have to keep on saying to myself, " this is no longer my abode...this is no longer my abode........."

Anyway catcha soon

1 comment:

  1. Wow its almost here! How exciting. Have you worked out how you will continue your blog and all? I don't want to miss a thing!
