Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Head for Kabuki!!!!!!

For those of my non-sailing friends out there, a head is a toilet/dunny/little room. Paul (after much persuasion from me) and I have decided to get Kabuki a composting head. We have sourced an American designed head called an "Airhead" from a distributor in Australia. The unit is a bit/lot more expensive than a regular boat toilet, but it eliminates pumping your dump into the sea/ocean/waterways. We have been investigating the composting toilet for awhile, and read a number of reviews on the Airhead, they seem to be well liked by those who buy them.

A composting toilet is not for everyone I admit. I think you need to be quite dedicated to the process of composting your ummm........ waste. But I feel that it is better than contaminating the sea with my waste. I have never been keen on the idea of carrying around a holding tank filled with liquid waste, and using a toilet that is likely to block at the drop of a ......toilet tissue. Admittedly the composting toilet is a holding tank for waste, but at least the waste is a bit less offensive.
The toilet we are getting is available through an Australian company , Check it out it is pretty clever.

Anyway I will keep you posted on the install when we get the unit.


  1. This how we installed ours on a westsail 32 and we would never go back to the old holding tank system

  2. Hey Wendy a new eco friendly dunny, well done. Noticed your berth was absent today....what are you up to?
