Paul cutting the holding tank in half in the bow.
Well Paul and Phil (Brother-inlaw) motored Kabuki down to Norsand on Thursday, she was hauled out without any problems. Paul was successful in getting the Groco thru-hulls out. He was actually pleasantly surprised how easily they came off, considering they had been on the boat for 35 years. The task then began to remove all of the plumbing for the Head (toilet), Holding-Tank, and the deck wash pump (which we never use).
We are quite glad we decided to install a composting toilet, as most of the existing pipes for the head were nearly blocked with scale build-up. We are very lucky that we had not had any explosive blockages to date. The whole process of removing the plumbing was not as bad as we had thought. The only bad part was having to cut the holding tank in half to remove it. This meant we had to cut a hole in the top, clean out the residue (yuck) then cut it in half. This was all done without tooooo much discomfort.
We now have a huge storage compartment up in the bow, what to fill it with??????
So that's where you got to. When are you heading out again?