Monday, June 4, 2012

Winter has arrived

Well winter is officially here at last, 1st of June passed as a lovely day with a cold start. This weekend is a long weekend being the Queens Birthday public holiday, unfortunately I had to work Saturday but the rest of the weekend is mine. Yesterday Paul and I took the sails off Kabuki for the winter, as we will not be using the boat over that time due to work commitments. It was hard to make the decision but we thought that in this economic climate it is better to "make hay while the sun shines" and put as many freedom chips behind us as we can. So the sails are folded and stored, Kabuki looks a bit like a bird who has had her wings clipped, summer seems sooo far away.
     I am still enjoying my job, it is very different from other jobs that I have done. Not so many rules with regards Health and Safety, way different to how I have been trained over the years.

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