Saturday, November 24, 2012

Lemon..... the wonder juice

The Haul-out is still a work in progress, we were hoping to be back in the water by next week, but the weather over the last week has been pretty crappy, meaning Paul was unable to fill the osmosis blisters that he ground out 4 weeks ago.  But today dawned sunny and warm so he has started to fill them with epoxy with colloidal Silica,( I think) and then a second coat of epoxy with micro-balloons???. It is all a bit technical for me, but Paul has had experience at doing Osmosis blisters after having fibre-glass boats for the last 12 years or more.

I have not done a great deal on the boat but last weekend I had a go at cleaning the waterline of the hull, A lot of people use "Water-line Cleaners" which can be acidic and hard on the gelcoat. I had read about someone using lemon juice, so decided to give it a go. I cut about 4 lemons in half, and rubbed the waterline with the lemon, it may have been better to juice the lemons and wipe on with a cloth. We then left it to sit for a few hours and went back and rinsed it off. The marks did not fade immediately but the next day was not too bad, most of the staining came off, but not the rust marks on the gelcoat from the chainplates etc. I was impressed with the result considering it only cost about $1.00.

We are both getting quite antsy about getting away on the boat in February, I have told my Boss that I will be leaving my Job on the 18th of January, so I am counting down until we go.

P.S Another tip I have heard but not yet tried is to rub garlic cloves/juice over your fingernails, it apparently makes them really strong. Not to sure if I really want to try this one.

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