Sunday, November 11, 2012

Haul out time again

We had Kabuki hauled out at Ray Roberts Marine on the 30th of October, the operation went without a hitch, maybe because we have hauled out there a few times now. The plans for this year are to remove and reseal some of the cap-rail, strengthen the compression post under the mast, varnish (Cetol) the deck teak (cap-rails, gas box, boomkin etc), see too some Osmotic blisters, and the general greasing of sea-cocks, anti-foul etc.
   Paul was not feeling confident about removing the cap-rail so we employed a local boat builder to do the work, He removed about a 1/3 of the cap-rail on the starboard side, cleaned, filled and re-bedded the cap-rail on again, this took all of 2 days. He also put the new compression post in etc at the same time. We are totally rapt with his work, efficient and well done.
 I have not had a lot of participation in this haul-out as I have been working full-time, Paul is working part-time and doing most of the hard yards. So in some ways I feel that I am missing out on messing with our baby. This weekend I helped out some, we had perfect weather for varnishing (Cetol) the cap-rails, gas-box, etc. Kabuki looks really good with this done, makes the teak stand out.
 We are now on count-down until we finish work and go off sailing again, We are both looking forward to getting away from the rat-race again, back to the simple life of cruising and being together. This has been quite a hard winter season for us, with illness, burglary, family (my mother is in hospital with a broken hip) and work putting a lot of strain on us.
 On the up side I am involved with the Octagon Theatre again for the Christmas Revue, this unfortunately has added to the strain with Mum being in hospital, but it is very rewarding for me to do. I love singing and entertaining people, so it has been a great outlet for my inner Diva.
    So my inner Diva says good bye for now.

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