Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Squalls and things.

Well we got away and it was a grand send off that the weather gave us. We left the Kissing Point Yacht Club pontoon on Thursday 9th January at about 8am, having our breakfast as we motored down the harbour to the Heads. We had planned on heading to Leigh, but apparently it is very crowded in there with moorings, so we headed for Kawau Island.
The forecast was for 20 knot South Westerlies, with the odd shower. We had  20 Knots as we crossed Bream Bay, but once we got near Bream Tail a Squall came through with 30 Knot winds and hail, from then on we had squalls and calms for the rest of the day. A huge thunder cell went past to the south of us which whipped up the winds from calm to 30 knots within 5 minutes.  Our arrival in the Kawau Channel coincided with the  wind and tide going out, and Kabuki wanting to go in. So it was a long windy motor to our anchorage.
Friday was spent recovering from the rigours of our first intense sail for a while. We stayed on board and pottered around sorting the last things out in our home. Saturday saw us rowing up to Mansion House Bay for a tromp around the bush and over to the Copper Mine. We then sat on the porch at the Mansion House drinking wine and playing Ladies/Gentlemen.
Sunday we decided to head over to Scandrett's Bay, on the mainland. Just down the road from Snell's Beach. Scandrett's Bay is an old farm that was owned by the Scandrett Family from about the 1860's. The old homestead is there, with all the outbuildings, boat shed etc. The land has been taken over by the Auckland Regional Council and added to the Hauraki Maritime Park, this means it is open to the public.
Monday saw us heading for a hike around the farm on the walking tracks that have been established. We did the walk early in the day as the wind was forecast to pick up in the afternoon, so we wanted to get back to the boat before it got to strong.  Today, Tuesday also has a blustery forecast, with South West winds of 25 -35 knots predicted for this afternoon. So again we went for a walk this morning out to the headland. This arvo we will hunker down and wait for the wind to moderate a bit.  Oh the joys of living on a boat at anchor.
Squally showers over Whangarei.

Wine at Mansion House, Kawau Island.

Paul looking over Moturekareka Island.

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