Thursday, January 14, 2016

We are away at last.

We have done it at last, after a few hiccups, we have escaped from the mundane to the sublime, we'll sort of. Paul and I sailed up from Whangarei to the Bay of Islands on Sunday the 10th of January. We managed to sail half the way then the Sou-Wester died and we motor-sailed the rest. We anchored up in Te Uenga Bay (Parekura Inlet) at about 7pm after a long day, having set out at 6.40am. It is very rare for us to get a perfect full days sail in, we always seems to strike a calm at some point, or we get the other extreme and it is blowing 35 knots. It was a beautiful day nonetheless, and we have made it. Rounding Cape Brett was like being welcomed home, embraced in the arms of a much loved relative after a long absence. 
We spent the day recuperating from our trip and tidying Kabuki. Very rarely do we arrive at an anchorage and not furl and cover the sails properly, but last evening we arrived very hot and bothered after our day long sail, we anchored up and sat down and had a cold Beer. This was new to us as we have only recently started using our fridge properly, boy was it worth the effort of upping our electrical potential. 
So we are now showered and fed waiting for a rain front to pass over tomorrow and a dodgy ex-tropical Cyclone to decide what she is going to do, then we are off to explore the Bay and catchup with some friends.

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